Monaco IGP3 - Doberman Protection Dog - $125,000 - VIDEO
Monaco IGP3 - Doberman Protection Dog - $125,000 - VIDEO
DOB: March 20, 2022
Intact Male Red & Rust Doberman
Protection Dog
This exceptional male has proven himself in 5 different trials/tests. He has passed a BH/VT trial (an obedience, temperament, and traffic steady test), an SUDT test (breeding suitability test - tests the dog’s temperament, structure, and working ability), and IGP1, IGP2, and IGP3 (these trials test the dog’s ability in tracking, obedience, and protection in increasing difficulty).
If you are looking for a dog that is a step above the rest, look no further. This boy is an excellent protection dog and companion. He is able to go out and about in public without a problem and travels easily. He loves the companionship of female dogs as well. He is a well built, well muscled dog that is the correct size to be intimidating, but still athletic and easily able to do his job.